Why Bikini Waxing Nostalgic ?

"A society that has made "nostalgia" a marketable commodity on the cultural exchange quickly repudiates the suggestion that life in the past was in any important way better than life today."

- Christopher Lasch

I like to wax nostalgic about the past.

There is much to be learned from our collective history that is blindly
ignored due to societies confidence in contemporary superiority.

As such, our historical roots are often stripped away like a cultural bikini wax.

Hundred year old buildings get torn down, classic texts are disregarded, and relics are left to rot.

My goal is to help capture slices of history;
to keep snapshots of the past and retain memories of the present left unappreciated until the golden years.

Find an exploration of life, experiences, and history in the Nostalgia Library.



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